Outgoing Arising by Ursula Troche/The Night by Ursula Troche
In the middle of the night
I arise
When many are sleeping
I am enabled
To walk
It’s not easy
To walk at this awkward time
And it may not be
Welcome either
But it’s happening now
I did not decide
On the specific timing
But this universe did
Even though
People have passed on
Into the next dimension
People have gone to sleep
For this world
People have gone
And I am here
Walking now
Perceiving energy
For my calling
Now I am the survivor
Speaking for the dead
To illuminate
That we have to recognize
All those who died for us
Especially the victims
The invisible ones
The victims of the system
Those that are abused
For the sake of
Unilateral industrialisation
As in the
Transatlantic slave trade
And the enslaved ever since
That’s why I am walking
In the middle of the night
I get up and go
I get up to arise
For the cause
Of consciousness.
Breathless. Speechless
I arrive at the end of the day
Too much has happened
To speak right now
I write instead
And I need the night
To process the issues and things
Even in my dreams
Where I can have a conversation
With my subconscious self
As deep as I can go
Apart from my spirit
But all the same I need the night
For my spirit, too, will then unfold further
All happens whilst I sleep
Even though the day was long too
But in a different way
The night is more diverse, more adaptable
It is night
And also it is part of each day
Whereas a day
Is never part of the night
Why this is so
I continue
Lingering, longing, breathless, arriving
At some point somewhere again.